Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Pershing Square Foundation Grant Will Help Develop a New Way of Tracking Criminal Justice System Performance
As a nationwide, bi-partisan push is underway to reform the broken criminal justice system, The Pershing Square Foundation announced today a $3.1 million grant in support of Measures for Justice (MFJ), the first non-profit organization to use 'big data' to track and compare the performance of county criminal justice systems across the country.
Distinct to MFJ's work is that it collects and analyzes local data on the entire criminal justice system from beginning to end—the police, victims, defendants, public defenders, prosecutors, judges, and convicted offenders. MFJ recognizes that data become meaningful when culled from not one but multiple areas of the justice system. The result is a set of measures designed to gauge performance in categories such as public safety, fiscal responsibility, and fairness and accuracy – all on the county level....