New York State Health Foundation Releases Snapshot: Success in the Empire State: Health Insurance Coverage Trends
New York State has been a leader in implementing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) effectively and expanding health insurance coverage for nearly 1 million additional residents since the law took effect. The ACA was signed into law in 2010, but most major provisions aimed at expanding coverage took effect at the beginning of 2014.
This NYSHealth-produced data snapshot examines trends in insurance coverage in New York State before and after the major coverage expansions of the ACA were implemented. Within New York, uninsured rates declined more than 40% for most racial groups, age groups, and income levels between 2013 and 2016. Urban and densely populated areas saw the most dramatic declines in the proportion of uninsured individuals. The snapshot also compares New York and national trends in rates of uninsurance and type of health coverage...