School Transformations III: Practices and Programs that Are Transforming Schools & Policies that Support Them

Tuesday, September 20, 2011 -
2:30pm to 5:00pm EDT
Philanthropy New York, 79 Fifth Ave., 4th floor, NYC
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This is the third session of a series designed to inform grantmakers about realistic options for significantly improving and even transforming low-performing public schools.  The first session noted the tremendous challenges involved in turning around schools and highlighted instructional quality and school climate as two essential ingredients for reform. The second session identified four “conditions of learning” that constitute a positive school climate and enable schools to focus attention on improving instruction.

In this session, we will learn about two programs (Turnaround for Children and Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility) that are transforming schools and find how they’re doing it – and how funders can help promote these practices more broadly across the school system.  We’ll hear from leaders of the organizations as well as principals who are leading the efforts in two transformational schools and their partner at the DoE.


  • What are their processes for developing and implementing plans for transformation?
  • What are the key challenges they face?
  • What are the essential supports – and who are the key allies – that help overcome the challenges?
  • How can foundations best support these efforts?


Part of Philanthropy New York's Back to School Series. A Philanthropy Connects program, sponsored by the Donors' Education Collaborative.


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All interested funders.

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