What Big (and not-so-big) Donors Can Learn from Philanthropy, Bloomberg-style

Monday, May 23, 2016

What Big (and not-so-big) Donors Can Learn from Philanthropy, Bloomberg-style

If you have been in the nonprofit sector long enough, you may have noticed that as the Baby Boomer generation ages, the face of philanthropy and giving is undergoing a dramatic shift in the connection between donors and their philanthropic gifts.

Spoiler alert—they are more connected than ever.

While it still does happen (we swear it still does), the mystery donor that flies completely under the organization’s radar for years until they pass on and leave a huge gift that is the talk of every staff meeting for the next six months is a rarity.

To a millennial, it must seem more probable that someone is making it up as an urban legend to entertain the interns than recounting the way charitable giving ever unfolded...

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