United Hospital Fund Launches Task Force to Bridge Quality and Equity in Health Care

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

United Hospital Fund Launches Task Force to Bridge Quality and Equity in Health Care

NEW YORK, NY—July 20, 2021—United Hospital Fund yesterday held the inaugural meeting of a new task force formed to integrate equity in all aspects of health care quality. 

The 24-member group, which includes quality and equity leaders from New York health care organizations, will work over an 18-month period to develop a framework for embedding equity in efforts to improve health care quality. 

On July 19th, task force members began a brainstorming process to identify current and aspirational practices to advance equity in three areas: addressing the social determinants of health, providing equitable access to care, and providing high-quality care in an equitable way. 

A task force member summed up the group’s mandate after Tuesday’s meeting: “We know what needs to be done. Together, we can figure out how.” 

The task force, managed by UHF’s Quality Institute, will also produce a prioritized set of recommendations to support the quality and equity agenda in New York as well as a series of case vignettes of promising strategies and interventions. 

United Hospital Fund’s Bridging Quality and Equity Initiative is supported by the Donald A. Pels Charitable Trust. 
About United Hospital Fund
United Hospital Fund works to build an effective and equitable health care system for every New Yorker. An independent, nonprofit organization, we are a force for improvement, analyzing public policy to inform decision-makers, finding common ground among diverse stakeholders, and developing and supporting innovative programs that improve health and health care. We work to dismantle barriers in health policy and health care delivery that prevent equitable opportunities for health. For more on our initiatives and programs please visit our website at www.uhfnyc.org and follow us on Twitter. 

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