The Rockefeller Foundation, the Open Society Foundation, and the Ford Foundation Working With Rebuild by Design In Puerto Rico
The “Resilient Puerto Rico Advisory Commission”—announced on November 16, 2017—will be an independent and inclusive body led by Puerto Ricans and designed to offer recommendations for how to use private, philanthropic, local government, and federal recovery dollars to repair and rebuild the critical systems devastated by Hurricane Maria. Locally led, and supported by The Rockefeller Foundation, the Open Society Foundations, and the Ford Foundation, the commission will offer recommendations to help rebuild Puerto Rico in a way that makes the island stronger – physically, economically, and socially – and more prepared to confront future challenges.
The commission will identify concrete projects and initiatives and develop recommendations after several months of deep engagement with local communities, NGOs, philanthropies, the private sector, governments, academia, members of the Puerto Rican diaspora, and others...