New York State Census Equity Fund Research Identifies New York's Hardest-to-Count Communities for 2020 Census
(June 5, 2019) NEW YORK – In the face of historic challenges ahead of the 2020 Census, New York’s foundations and nonprofits must step forward to invest in aggressive efforts to ensure those in marginalized, hard-to-reach communities are fully counted, according to a new report issued today.
The report—authored by the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government and underwritten by the New York State Census Equity Fund, housed at The New York Community Trust—identifies 50 communities across the state that are most at risk to be undercounted in 2020, as well as a blueprint for how New York’s foundations and nonprofits can help ensure that these communities get the support they need.
New York State residents already suffer from the impact of undercounts. The Rockefeller Institute found that New York residents pay $35.6 billion more to the federal government than they receive back in federal funding—a negative balance of payment greater than that of any state. With an undercount in 2020, that balance will likely grow even larger.
In addition, New York could lose additional representation in the House of Representatives, meaning that its voice on national issues will be further diminished.
“The threats to New York are very real and the impact of an incomplete count would be devastating to communities across our state,” said Patricia A. Swann, senior program officer for The New York Community Trust. “We have no time to lose. It’s time for foundations, nonprofits, and donors throughout New York to band together to make sure we are able to achieve a fair and complete count.”
New York had one of the lowest response rates in the country during the most recent census in 2010. This low response has been especially acute among some populations—including communities of color, low-income households, immigrants, rural households, and young children.
Given the state’s demographic makeup, the Rockefeller Institute report spotlights two central challenges to New York for the 2020 Census...