Editorial: Falls Water Board Must Get A Handle On Its Procedures And Discharges

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Editorial: Falls Water Board Must Get A Handle On Its Procedures And Discharges

“Misunderstandings” like this should never happen. Managers of large and complex operations put systems in place to promote efficiency and prevent accidents such as occurred in Niagara Falls a little over a month ago.

Yet, a misunderstanding, together with outdated technology, is what the Niagara Falls Water Board blames for the global embarrassment that happened when foul-smelling black sludge was emptied into the Niagara River near the base of one of the world’s most iconic tourist attractions.

The release occurred as workers were de-watering a sedimentation basin, part of a maintenance procedure. The problem was that instead of following a practiced, detailed protocol, the operator at fault was given verbal instructions that were not followed. . .

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