DDCF Launches Doris Duke Physician Scientist Fellowship

Friday, April 12, 2019

DDCF Launches Doris Duke Physician Scientist Fellowship

New York, April 12, 2019 – The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF) today announced the launch of the new Doris Duke Physician Scientist Fellowship program, which is now open for application to clinical investigators at the subspecialty fellow stage of their careers. Through the Physician Scientist Fellowship, DDCF aims to encourage emerging physician scientists to pursue careers in clinical research and hopes to promote their transition into faculty-level positions.
The Physician Scientist Fellowship will provide support to clinical researchers during the period between residency and early faculty called “fellowship.” While fellows training in fields such as cardiology, hematology, infectious diseases and oncology typically receive funding from their departments for a year of required research, there are few opportunities to obtain external support for their research during this phase. After conducting substantial research into the needs of the field, DDCF has designed the Physician Scientist Fellowship to enable these budding physician scientists to hone their research skills and pursue scientific investigations that result in contributions to patient care. 
Recipients of the Physician Scientist Fellowship will be chosen through a competitive, peer-review process by an external expert panel of scientists. Each selected fellow will work under the supervision of a mentor who will guide them toward successful biomedical research careers. Eligible applicants may request one or two years of support at $110,000 per year, depending on their individual needs.
To read view the full request for proposals for the Physician Scientist Fellowship, visit  www.physicianscientistfellowship.org...


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