Brooklyn Community Foundation Shares Findings from the Brooklyn Insights 2020 Process

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Brooklyn Community Foundation Shares Findings from the Brooklyn Insights 2020 Process

Today we are pleased to share with you the findings from our Brooklyn Insights 2020 process, which is informing over $3 million in new grants through the next phase of the Brooklyn COVID-19 Response Fund. 

The COVID-19 pandemic created a health crisis with far reaching impact; however, for communities that have been systematically marginalized, composed mainly of Black, Latinx, first- and second-generation immigrants, and low-income residents already facing multi-layered economic and social crises, it has greatly exacerbated existing inequities.

Anticipating these impacts, we created the Brooklyn COVID-19 Response Fund with an explicit focus on racial justice and centering communities of color. The Fund has since become the largest community-supported emergency response in the Foundation’s history. 

In the first phase of the Fund, we distributed $3.3 million through 420 grants to 246 organizations across our borough. This next phase of grantmaking will bring the Fund's total commitment to nearly $7 million.

Explore our Brooklyn Insights 2020 Findings Here

We began Phase 2 in Fall 2020 with Brooklyn Insights 2020, an eight-week community engagement process with residents in the hardest hit communities. 

Guided by the belief that those who are closest to the challenges are closest to the solutions, this process has allowed us to learn from, and partner with, the communities most impacted by the pandemic.

Through Brooklyn Insights 2020, we aimed to identify recommendations for community-led solutions to achieve structural change, as well as responsive relief for urgent ongoing needs...

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