"Fractured Lands," a prodigious New York Times Magazine piece last year on the chaos in the Middle East, was an inadvertent window onto a fractured business model. It was thus relevant that Executive Editor Dean Baquet and Managing Editor Joseph...
Nonprofits generally express moral support for fair employment standards while they often face what’s become known as "operational anxiety" as they try to figure out how to pay for rising costs that for-profit businesses and governments can more...
Santa packed more into his sleigh for Christmas in July this year as compared to last year, according to the Blackbaud Index. The index, which measures giving in three-month increments and compares it to the same period the prior year, reports an...
Corporate giants are making big contributions to disaster relief organizations to help victims of Tropical Storm Harvey. The storm is expected to leave behind billions of dollars in damages.
Eighty cities are currently seeking $9.5 billion for 89 water management projects, according to a new report from international non-profit CDP with infrastructure firm AECOM and backed by Bloomberg Philanthropies.
Grantmakers In Health is pleased to announce a call for nominations for both the Andy Hyman Award for Advocacy and Terrance Keenan Leadership Award in Health Philanthropy.
Michael Seltzer, former PNY President, current Baruch College Distinguished Lecturer and Director of The New York Community Trust Leadership Fellows program, gives six essential perspectives on disaster recovery.
By ordering a review of all possible “symbols of hate” in the city, Mayor de Blasio is once again grabbing national attention while simultaneously putting himself in a tricky situation.