Last month, 22 national nonprofit organizations that work with philanthropists came together with a single statement and a joint commitment to work together more collaboratively.
While the latter half of the 20th century showed a widening gap between the more and less educated with respect to marriage and fertility, this trend has not significantly altered the genetic makeup of subsequent generations.
John Wilson of Cornerstone Capital Group says fossil fuel companies are at risk because a key asset – their reserves – are at risk of being “stranded,” or unused, as the economy turns away from deployment of fossil fuels.
Media Impact Funders (MIF), a member-supported network of funders who seek to improve society through media and technology, has been awarded a two-year, $500,000 matching grant from The Atlantic Philanthropies.
This very short video highlighting three funders — Barr Foundation, Ford Foundation, and Einhorn Family Charitable Trust — that have used the Center for Effective Philanthropy’s Grantee Perception Report (GPR) to solicit and act on grantee feedback.
A growing number of cities are building afterschool systems to provide low-income students with access to high-quality programs that can keep them safe and foster the skills needed to succeed in school and life.