New York State Health Foundation's Nupur Chaudhury writes about the historical connection between design and health, and what funders can do to support reuniting the two fields.
Brooklyn Community Foundation is announcing $72,500 in new grants through its Immigrant Rights Fund, a special initiative created by Foundation donors in the weeks after the 2016 presidential election to build a boroughwide response to unjust...
The suburbs are no longer the alcove of the middle class and affluent—they are home to millions of America’s invisible poor. That’s the provocative argument of the Russell Sage Foundation’s forthcoming book Places in Need: The Changing Geography of...
The New York Life Foundation and the Afterschool Alliance today announced $750,000 in grant awards to 18 middle school out-of-school time (OST) programs serving disadvantaged youth in communities across the nation.
On many days, I feel small. I feel powerless to influence those who can make the world more democratic and caring. But not last Friday. And not today. Last Friday at Philanthropy New York’s 38 th Annual Meeting: The Power of Participation, hundreds...
Once there were fish, but then the coal mining began. The stretch of bone-dry, cracked land doesn’t look like much. Rancher L.J. Turner of Wright, Wyo., says, “It used to be, there was fish in there.” Now it’s one of 20 nearby springs that have...
Johnson & Johnson named Douglas Wallace, Ph.D., of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, winner of the 2017 Dr. Paul Janssen Award for Biomedical Research, and launched a campaign for champions of science - a new year-long, multi-faceted program...
The Staten Island Foundation assisted several women entrepreneurs get started through a grant. And La Colmena Community Job Center, and the Center for Family Life trained the women on how to operate a business.