United Hospital Fund President and PNY Health Working Group Co-Chair James Tallon says that, by any measure, the Affordable Care Act has been a success.
New York City nonprofits providing services on behalf of local government are fed up with late payments and underpayments, and they aren't going to take it anymore.
The Citi Foundation, in partnership with America's Promise Alliance, invites leading non-profit organizations to submit innovative program ideas focused on connecting low-income young people, ages 16-24, with workplace skills and employment...
A new feature launched this week on the redesigned Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker website provides quick and easy access to the latest key data measuring quality, spending, access and outcomes in the U.S. health system.
The STEM Learning Ecosystems Initiative, launched by the STEM Funders Network, has grown to encompass 54 regional Ecosystems that are making a significant impact on STEM education and workforce development. Seventeen Ecosystems joined the group...
A UCLA study characterizes, for the first time, brain differences between people with a specific genetic risk for schizophrenia and those at risk for autism, and the findings could help explain the biological underpinnings of these neuropsychiatric...
Inspiring creativity, strengthening community and driving economic growth are the three aims of the ambitious new arts center known as the Shed, rising in Hudson Yards. Michael R. Bloomberg donated $75 million to the innovative arts project.
Brooklyn Community Foundation is pleased to announce the election of four new members to its Board of Directors, effective April 29, 2017. The new members are Brooklyn philanthropist Diane Steinberg, National Grid Executive Rudolph Wynter, retired...
Leading voices and policymakers from across the political spectrum gathered to discuss the national policy agenda, its connection to our growing national debt, and solutions to put us on a better path, at the Peter G. Peterson Foundation’s 2017...
Female vampire bats form friendships with non-family-member bats, and researchers have discovered that those unrelated friends are important backup support when family members go missing. "Is it better to have a few strong social bonds or a greater...