There is a boom in Muslim-led nonprofit work that counters ideas of Islam as foreign and dangerous. And all of them are connected by an invisible thread: Pillars Fund.
Online attackers may be able to purchase - for as little as a few thousand dollars - enough personal information to potentially alter voter registration information in as many as 35 states and the District of Columbia, according to a new Harvard...
"We are still in." On June 5, with these four words a group of U.S. businesses and investors with a combined annual revenue of $1.4 trillion sent a powerful message to the world: U.S. President Donald Trump may have withdrawn from the Paris...
When fundraising efforts focus on couples, nonprofits miss some of their best potential donors. The typical donor profile is shifting fast, in part because women are often earning as much as or more than their husbands.
After a fraught last few years in terms of national attention to issues of race, one would expect that nonprofit boards would demonstrate at least a modicum of advancement in the realm of diversity.
The images of desperate families and stories of systematic failure as Hurricane Harvey swept across the Houston area brought back for many the unforgettable images of Katrina. These last few days, Hurricane Irma is making headlines – even as it was...
President Donald Trump plans to phase out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals immigration (DACA) policy, according to two administration officials.
The city’s medical examiner has been a pioneer in analyzing complex DNA samples. But two methods were recently discontinued, raising questions about thousands of cases.