At an announcement and ceremony in New York, stakeholders from the the NHL, NHL Players Association, and International Ice Hockey Federation, along with 14 major organizations across all levels of hockey signed on to a Declaration of Principles that...
There are no sirens when the call comes in. No alarms or shouting. Just a calm voice over the radio in the darkness of the cabin: “All stations, all stations.”
Cheering crowds greeted the 80-year-old Argentine pontiff as he prayed for the country to heal the wounds of war — though some warned that forgiveness was hard after so much violence.
Several states are adopting the Finnish practice of distributing “baby boxes” to expectant parents—and taking the opportunity to also educate families about safe sleep for infants.
Ciberseguras began hosting women-only online security workshops in 2016 to have a safe space to discuss and address digital violence. Today, the participants share experiences of online harassment, stalkers and losing control over their personal...
Last month, the Indian government rolled out a new tax plan — the Goods and Service Tax — labeling sanitary products "nonessential," making them eligible for a 12 percent tax. The increase in the cost of sanitary napkins will force many women...