For the first time in several years, the Ford Foundation disclosed the investment performance of its $12.1 billion endowment, saying it generated a return of 7 percent in 2016. By comparison, the median return of more than 5,700 foundations that...
The UJA-Federation of New York has announced a $20 million legacy gift from the Jack S. & Shirley M. Silver Foundation in support of the organization's Jewish Day Camp Centennial Signature Initiative.
Three long-standing presidential commissions designed to expand educational opportunities for non-white students are set to expire Saturday and members say months of silence from the White House has them worried they’re about to be dissolved.
United Hospital Fund just issued a HealthWatch brief on CHIP’s impact on New York State that may be helpful in your coverage of the issue—it reports that enrollment in the state’s Child Health Plus program, primarily funded by CHIP, jumped by 17...
This year, The Breast Cancer Campaign is proud to honor Mrs. Evelyn H. Lauder’s legacy and pioneering vision, marking 25 years since she started The Breast Cancer Campaign and co-created the iconic Pink Ribbon.
The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) has received a two-year grant from Ford Foundation to support the expansion of its Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program to Detroit, MI; Newark, NJ; Oakland, CA; and San Antonio, TX.
Called the NH Humanities Collaborative, the effort is funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The grant is the first of its kind pairing a community college system with a flagship public university and it explicitly recognizes and supports the...
Many nonprofits embrace online giving because it makes asking for gifts, processing payments, and thanking donors easier and less costly. Some organizations are investing heavily in online fundraising platforms like Razoo or CauseVox, or improving...
In the nonprofit world, direct mail is still king when it comes to generating revenue. This is one of the few industries in which this is the case, and I can confidently say it isn't changing drastically in the near future. As a digital marketer, it...