It started as a relatively modest (well, relative to where it ended up) organizing of a charitable endeavor, born partially out of a kind heart and partially out of desperation when he couldn't be there to help in person. And in the end, it can be...
The world’s richest families are increasingly investing their money in good causes, giving a boost to the growing, if still challenged, impact investing space. More than a quarter (28%) of ultra-net-worth “family offices” are now putting money into...
The adage says it’s better to give than to receive. Recently, a neurological study published in Nature Communications found there may be some biological truth to the maxim after all.
Since 2010, The Rockefeller Foundation has made “energy poverty” their priority with the launch of a program called Smart Power for Rural Development, a $75 million initiative aimed at bringing reliable electricity to energy-poor villages and...
Eleven US cities, including Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C., are among the 25 finalists for the C40 Cities Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards 2017. These projects represent the most ambitious and...