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A Unique Nonprofit Lender
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“Neither a borrower nor a lender be” is a well-known early seventeenth century sound bite (from Shakespeare’s Hamlet; Polonius’ advice to his son, Laertes). Yet sound bites or one-sentence quotes found in cute management books are no way to manage a...
Why Are Foundations Often Absent From Major Policy Shifts?
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Over many years, I have been involved—through government, think tanks, and foundations—in numerous major policy turns in society, only to often find absent those foundations which are very interested in public policy.
Spend Out vs. Perpetuity: Raising the Question
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Nearly two months ago, the Beldon Fund closed its doors, completing the ten-year intentional spend out envisioned by our chair and donor John Hunting.
Program Recap—Perpetuity or Limited Life: How Do Family Foundations Decide?
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More than 30 grantmakers gathered on July 9th for a discussion of family foundation lifespan considerations co-sponsored by the Foundation Center and Philanthropy New York. We asked David R. Wolcheck, Research Associate at the Foundation Center, and...
Can We Still Improve Philanthropy?
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Being away from the day-to-day administration of a foundation has allowed me some time to think about how philanthropy can be improved.
New Member Spotlight: ASPCA
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We recently welcomed the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to Philanthropy New York. We asked Michael Barrett, Senior Director of Grants Management at ASPCA, to share details about the organization and its latest initiatives...
Travelers’ Philanthropy: A Growing Trend in Development Assistance
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When we travel, we have the opportunity to leave the best of ourselves behind wherever we go. Today’s traveling grantmakers can choose to minimize their carbon footprint and contribute with time, talent, and treasure to enhance destination...
Standby Letters of Credit: The Underdog of Charitable Financing
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At ACBP, our President has a top ten list that quotes Tom Peters. One item is, “Try easier, not harder.” As a foundation that invests in the next generation and is not afraid to take risks, we (with our partners) take innovative ideas and create...
Corporate Philanthropy: The Challenges and Opportunities
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I often get the feeling that philanthropic professionals who work in private, family, or community foundations have a cynicism about the work done by those of us in the corporate sector.