Aetna Foundation Looks Beyond the Doctor's Office in a Quest for Better Health
Aetna recently announced a new RFP for the latest cycle of its Cultivating Healthy Communities grant program. The grants are from $50,000 to $100,000 and come out of the $2 million program.
"This funding addresses the need to improve opportunities for all Americans—regardless of income, education or ethnic background—to take an active role in living healthy lives," says Aetna.
The foundation cited just a few of the nation's many alarming health stats: Thirteen percent of households facing food insecurity, more than 23 million Americans living in so-called rural or urban food deserts. Even the problem of bullying, which might not seem at first glance to be part of the same picture, falls under this program, having been identified as a contributing factor in the risk of depression and other health complaints, and to decreased academic achievement...