One of the fastest-growing corporate citizenship programs is skills-based volunteering—in which a team of corporate employees works for an extended period of time to help a nonprofit solve a complex operational problem. The benefits of the program...
President Trump has invited top officials from New York and New Jersey to the White House on Thursday, including Senators Chuck Schumer, Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand and Govs. Andrew M. Cuomo and Chris Christie, to discuss the future of a...
“Conquering” nature has long been the western way. Our hubris, and often our religious ideologies, have led us to believe we are above nature and have a right to subdue and control it. We let our technical abilities get ahead of our wisdom.
For many scientists they are a worrying sign of a “new normal” in which extreme weather events become more intense as a result of manmade climate change.
The $1.7 billion Superfund cleanup of the Hudson River is not protecting the public’s health and the river as initially promised, New York’s environmental commissioner contended last week.
As the water rose on their first floor apartment, Rosa Sosa and her family fled to a vacant unit on the second floor. They watched in horror as it continued to rise, as it swallowed most of the cars in the parking lot that rings their sprawling two-...
In his seven months in office, President Trump has proved to be the commander in chief of mixed messages. But even for him, the nighttime tweet on Tuesday was a head-turner.
When news leaked on Monday that President Trump had decided to dismantle Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) — the 2012 policy that granted administrative relief to some 800,000 undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States...