In 2018, Neighborhood Funders Group (NFG), a social justice-focused membership organization of community development grantmakers, will roll out its own grants through its latest project, the Amplify Fund which aims "to shift local power structures...
The real work for city leaders today is to create not just new rules, but new ways of writing and adjusting regulations that better fit the dynamism and pace of change of cities themselves.
Points on a large "resistance map" in the Albert and Tina Small Center for Collaborative Design show the locations of more than 300 rallies, demonstrations and marches across New Orleans.
Advocating for the rights of LGBTQ persons across the globe and through a variety of channels is the goal of the grants in the winter Arcus Foundation portfolio. From working with transgender and intersex groups to faith leaders and regional...
Johnson & Johnson is joining the Coalition for the American Dream—not only to advocate for the protection of America’s Dreamers and find a bipartisan, long-term solution to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), but also as an...
Ford Foundation Senior Fellow and human & disability rights advocate Judy Heumann investigates how our grantmakers are including a disability lens in their areas of work.
Websites profiling the comparative performance of healthcare providers often fail to deliver information that consumers actually want and can readily assimilate, according to a new report from the New York City-based United Hospital Fund (UHF).
The Westport-based Newman’s Own Foundation was on the verge of securing a provision in the federal tax overhaul that would have spared it from an unusual 200 percent tax hike it is facing, when the Senate parliamentarian forced lawmakers to strip it...