Resistance at The Border and Beyond: Frontline Efforts to Oppose Anti-Immigrant Legislation - A Webinar Hosted by GCIR

Thursday, May 30, 2024 -
12:00pm to 1:30pm EDT
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*This program is hosted by our partner, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR), who has extended an invitation to PNY members.*

Late last year, the Texas legislature passed a series of bills targeting migration at the Texas-Mexico border. This included Senate Bill 4 (SB4), which criminalizes anyone suspected of crossing the border without authorization to enter or re-enter into Texas. Since then, a series of legal decisions have created confusion and uncertainty. Similarly, Florida has passed legislation targeting community IDs and driver's licenses for immigrants and criminalizing the transportation of undocumented immigrants into the state. 

As battleground border states, Florida and Texas have had an immense influence across the country, as other states have stood  up similar anti-immigrant bills. Most recently the governor of Iowa signed SF2340, a bill which made it a state crime for immigrants with prior deportation orders from the U.S. to reside in the state. The Louisiana governor recently introduced SB 388, which, as in  Florida, criminalizes undocumented immigrants entering or reentering the state. Meanwhile, Georgia has introduced legislation to punish local governments for having sanctuary city policies. 

In an election year when immigration is the top issue in the minds of many voters, these policies exacerbate xenophobic, anti-immigrant, and racist sentiments that further dehumanize and criminalize immigrant and refugee communities while also expanding state powers to detain, deport, and terrorize undocumented individuals.

Join us for a panel conversation with frontline leaders, which will be followed by a funder-only discussion.

What will you learn?

  • How organizations are leveraging different strategies–from litigation to organizing–to prevent the implementation of  these policies and create a more welcoming country for all


Who should attend?

All interested funders. Please note that calls are open to GCIR members, other grantmaking institutions, philanthropic advisors, and members and staff of funder affinity groups and regional associations of grantmakers. (Participation is limited to organizations that share GCIR’s core values.)

How do you sign up?

Registration is required by May 29th. 

Members and Non-Member Funders: Please click on the "Register Now" link above. Dial-in and webinar information will be emailed to you before the webinar.
Please email with any questions.

In collaboration with

Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees


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