Improving Effectiveness in an Age of Uncertainty

Tuesday, January 17, 2012 -
1:00pm to 3:30pm EST
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In this age of austerity, it is more important than ever to ask and answer how foundations’ decisions impact the fields they work in. Can you do better? Heidi Williamson, vice president for grantmaking and communication at the Berks County Community Foundation, will discuss the changes the foundation made and the challenges it overcame to identify and implement an updated business model. Debra Joy Pérez, interim assistant vice president for research and evaluation at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, will discuss grantee budget reductions, lessons learned from a process evaluation, and how to improve performance and respond effectively in the event of future challenges.


  • How the Berks County Community Foundation identified its new business model, and key aspects of that model
  • The challenges and opportunities inherent in implementing a new business model
  • How to minimize the impact of budget reductions on a foundation’s reputation, grantees, management, and budget
  • The challenges and opportunities inherent in reducing your budget


A Philanthropy New York Collaborative Webinar hosted by the Council on Foundations and sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.


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All interested Philanthropy New York members.