Family Philanthropy at the Holidays: Faith, Gratitude & Tradition

Thursday, December 13, 2012 -
1:30pm to 3:30pm EST
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According to the 2012 Bank of America Study of High Net Worth Philanthropy, 43 percent of the households they surveyed said they make more charitable contributions during the holiday season (October to December) than during the rest of the year. What are the connections between the holidays and family giving? How do faith, gratitude, and family charitable traditions enhance and ignite the giving impulse? And what are some strategies family funders have used to encourage increased giving around the holidays? Join this special Family Philanthropy Webinar and hear from several representatives that have found creative and meaningful ways to celebrate the holidays.
A Philanthropy New York Collaborative Program with the National Center for Family Philanthropy.
This program is "Partially Open."



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All interested funders.