Humans can be quirky. Yet many foundations and nonprofits design interventions that assume humans will act “rationally,” which can undermine program effectiveness.
Join us for this program to learn how foundations and nonprofits could improve their impact with behavioral science. You’ll hear from experts who will discuss how behavioral science offers findings, insights, and practical tools and techniques that can be applied fairly easily and quickly, at little or no cost, to make a wide range of good existing programs more effective at fostering desired outcomes in areas ranging from education to human service delivery to anti-poverty initiatives. We’ll discuss key findings from behavioral science research, including what motivates people versus acts as disincentives.
Corporations have long used behavioral science to boost consumer sales. Public agencies are now applying insights from behavioral science to impact social issues like improved college persistence, expanded public benefit enrollment and retention, and improved outcomes in areas like health, education, criminal justice, and international development. Join in this conversation to learn how more foundations and nonprofits can use behavioral science to leverage even greater impact.
- How behavioral science insights and techniques are being implemented by nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and government to improve service delivery, and program and policy outcomes.
- How to prevent implicit bias from diminishing program effectiveness.
- Ways to reduce the strain on mental “bandwidth” imposed by many policies, systems, and programs intended to assist low-income people.
- Strategies to ensure effective methods that motivate real people to act.
- Anthony Barrows, Managing Director, ideas42
- Matthew Klein, Executive Director, Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity
- Laura Wolff (Moderator), Program and Strategy Consultant
Designed for
All interested funders.
8:45 - 9:00 AM Check-in
9:00 - 11:00 AM Program
Registration is required by January 22.
PNY Members: To register yourself and/or a colleague at your organization, please log in and click the Register Now link above.
Non-Member Funders: Please email ($150 fee)
Co- Sponsored by
The Clark Foundation
J.P. Morgan Private Bank Private Foundation Services
The New York Community Trust