Thursday, November 3, 2011 -
10:00am to 2:00pm EDT
Nathan Cummings Foundation, 475 Tenth Avenue, 14th Floor, NYC
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Emerging from the dark grey smoke of political paralysis, chronic unemployment, increasing poverty and embarrassing wealth distribution are some new promising and hopeful themes—manufacturing growth, millions of unfilled good jobs, green manufacturing, and new partnerships between business, new types of public schools, labor, and government. This contrast forces some interesting questions.
- What is the most promising role for the United States in the Global Economy and what maximizes the opportunity for a truly sustainable society?
- What is the potential of manufacturing in the US? Is it viable in light of surging industrial economies in China and India? Is it something we really want in our society?
- What is the job mismatch that everyone’s talking about? Can we really do something about it in light of the character of our education system?
- Is the Green Economy real? Can it really drive innovation and growth in our society or is it overstated and an illusion?
- Our society is polarizing on every level. Are there opportunities that we are missing that could allow us to rebuild meaningful partnerships as a foundation for our society rather than the exception?
A Philanthropy New York Members Briefing, sponsored by The Nathan Cummings Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and Surdna Foundation.
- Bruce Katz, Vice President, the Brookings Institute.
- Dan Swinney, Executive Director, Center for Labor and Community Research; the Chicago Manufacturing Renaissance Council.
- Mike Egan, Assistant Executive Director, California Teachers Association.
- Steve Mandes, Executive Director, National Institute for Metalworking Skills.
- Garrick Davis, Legislative Director, National Urban League.
- Gary Yee, President, Oakland School Board.
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All interested funders.