Today is #GivingTuesday, which you no doubt are aware of from the staggering number of year-end donation requests you’re receiving. If you are thinking about making a personal donation in the coming weeks (no pressure at all!) the Fund for 2025 is one option where you truly know how your dollars will be spent.

A few days ago, one of your Philanthropy New York colleagues, who is personally donating to the Fund for 2025, told me a funny story:
“When I was in high school, all I wanted was to come to New York and become a famous actor, to see my name in lights on Broadway. I changed directions in college and ended up having a long and fascinating career in philanthropy that I never expected. One of the many reasons I’m giving to the Fund for 2025 is that, whenever I was ready for a new challenge in my career, both the PNY job board and the incredible network of professionals associated with PNY were there for me. I never regret my choice of not pursuing an acting career. And now, with PNY’s move to 1500 Broadway and the Fund for 2025 donor acknowledgement wall that will be prominently displayed looking out over Times Square, I will even be able to say that my name is in lights on Broadway!”
We have been so heartened and gratified by that and other stories individuals have told me as they’ve pledged as individuals to support the Fund for 2025. 

With #GivingTuesday and the end of the tax year coming, when many consider how to complete their charitable giving, we wanted to say THANK YOU to every single PNY member who has pledged or is considering pledging to the Fund for 2025.
We know you understand the challenges facing the philanthropic sector and the importance of collaborative opportunities that maximize the sector’s effectiveness. Our primary mission remains to support your work and that of your organization. Thank you for being a part of the Philanthropy New York community.
To learn more and download the a pledge form, check out the Fund for 2025 page.